Παρασκευή 3 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Τι είναι τα Ωμέγα-3 και ποιά τα οφέλη

Τα Ωμέγα 3 λιπαρά οξέα είναι θρεπτικές ουσίες απαραίτητες για τον οργανισμό μας. Πρέπει να τις προμηθευόμαστε από τη διατροφή ή μέσω ειδικών συμπληρωμάτων, διότι δεν μπορεί ο ίδιος μας οργανισμός να τις παράγει.

Ο ρόλος τους είναι σπουδαίος γιατί είναι θέμελιος λίθος για την ορμονική ανάπτυξη και την προστασία των κυττάρων, αλλά το σημαντικότερο είναι ότι προφυλλάσει το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα από σημαντικές ασθένειες.
Τα οφέλη των Ωμέγα-3, είναι τεράστια για εμάς. Σας, τα παραθέτουμε πιο κάτω σε κατηγορίες.
-Ονομάζονται «τροφή του εγκεφάλου», επειδή τα Ωμέγα-3 είναι ένα δομικό στοιχείο απαραίτητο για την ανάπτυξη κυτταρικών μεμβρανών, αλλά και για την κατασκευή ''οδών'' για τα νευρολογικά συστήματα.
-Είναι ένα βασικό συστατικό για την υγεία του αμφιβληστροειδή, και βοηθά στη διατήρηση της καλής όρασης.
-Ανακαλύφθηκε πρόσφατα ότι έχουν προστατευτικές ιδιότητες κατά της νόσου του Alzheimer, καθώς και τα αποτελέσματά της για τη μείωση των καρδιακών και καρδιαγγειακών ασθενειών, μείωση της αρρυθμίας, μείωση των θρόμβων αίματος και τα επίπεδα των τριγλυκεριδίων, μείωση της αρτηριακής πίεσης και τη βελτίωση της αρτηριακής υγείας.
-Αν κάνετε μια διατροφή χαμηλή σε λιπαρά είναι ακόμη πιο σημαντικό να επωφεληθείτε από τα Ωμέγα-3. Όντας το «καλό λίπος», το Ωμέγα-3 είναι καθοριστικής σημασίας για την απορρόφηση των λιποδιαλυτών βιταμινών A, D, E και K, που απαιτούνται για αντίσταση κατά της λοίμωξης, για να έχετε υγιές δέρμα, καλή υγεία στα μάτια σας, στην καρδιά, στην κυκλοφορία, στην πήξη του αίματος και επίσης να έχετε ισχυρά οστά.
Οφέλη κατά την διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης:
-Ωμέγα-3 είναι τόσο ζωτικής σημασίας για την υγιή σωματική και ψυχική ανάπτυξη των βρεφών. Ο οργανισμός τους, ούτως η άλλως αναπτύσσεται μέρα με τη μέρα.
-Ενώ σχεδιάζετε να κάνετε μωρό ή είστε έγκυες ή θηλάζετε, οι έρευνες έχουν δείξει ότι όταν η μητέρα λαμβάνει τις συνιστώμενες ποσότητες ωμέγα-3, τα μωρά αναπτύσσονται ταχύτερα από ό, τι εκείνα των οποίων οι μητέρες που δεν κάνουν.
Οφέλη για τα παιδιά:
-Αύξηση της πρόσληψης των ω-3 μπορούν να επωφεληθούν τα άτομα με δυσλεξία, δυσπραξία και ΔΕΠΥ( Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής και Υπερκινητικότητας).
-Πιστεύεται ότι έχουν σημαντική επίδραση στην ικανότητα ανάγνωσης πολύ.
Οφέλη για τις ασθένειες:
-Οι αντιφλεγμονώδεις ιδιότητες είναι υπαρκτέςσε άτομα με αρθρίτιδα, άσθμα, έκζεμα και ψωρίαση.
Ωμέγα 3 βοηθά επίσης στην ανακούφιση των αλλεργιών
-Υποστήριξη για την διαιτητική αντιμετώπιση των ασθενών με καρδιαγγειακές νόσους.
Η πηγή από την οποία προσλαμβάνουμε τα ωμέγα 3 λιπαρά οξέα είναι η διατροφή, κυρίως από τα λιπαρά ψάρια όπως ο σολομός, οι σαρδέλες, ο κολιός, ο μπακαλιάρος. Υπάρχουν επίσης στη σόγια, στο λιναρόσπορο και τα έλαια τους και σε ξηρούς καρπούς όπως τα καρύδια. Τα ωμέγα 3 λιπαρά οξέα διατίθενται επιπλέον σε διατροφικά συμπληρώματα.

Εμεις εκπροσωπουμε την εταιρια minami-nutrition οπου εχουμε 6 ειδη ομεγα 3 το καθε ενα εχει τον δικο του σκοπο και δυναμη.

What makes Minami Nutrition Omega-3's so different
from other brands?
By nowarrow-10x10 you are no doubt well aware of the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids for your general health.
The health food market has been
swamped in recent years by an enormous choice of supplements.
Numerous manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon with evocative narratives and sophisticated marketing schemes in the hope of getting a share of the hype surrounding Omega-3. However, it is important to separate the wheat from the chaff as most of the supplements sold under the ‘umbrella’ of Omega-3 are better left alone.
Research has demonstrated that the majority of the population is well aware that Omega-3 is vital to maintain good health, but few people know how little Omega-3 they consume via their diet, how to differentiate between the various products and what to look for when buying an Omega-3 supplement.
Check and compare

Essential information about a product can be found on the packaging.

Always check the data on the packaging, which often states ‘1000 mg fish oil’, but that is meaningless. Usually the text on the packaging doesn’t show the origin and purity of the fish oil either.

What should you look out for?


This refers to the exact quantity of the most important Omega-3 fatty acids in a capsule, i.e. the DHA and EPA concentration. A 1000 mg fish oil capsule may only contain half that amount, or even less, in DHA and EPA, the rest consisting of, for example, vegetable oil or Omega-6. It is not because a capsule weighs 1000 mg that it actually contains 1000 mg of pure Omega-3 fatty acids. Always check the amount of DHA and EPA per capsule.


Depends on the EPA and DHA concentration. Higher concentrations of EPA or DHA require fewer capsules per day to meetarrow-10x10 your daily requirement. With some brands you require four, six, even up to ten capsules per day in order to reach the necessary daily dose of EPA or DHA*.


Don’t be fooled by the cost of a pack of 30, 60 or 90 capsules. Calculate how many capsules you need to take each day and how long a package will last. Cheaper products soon become expensive if you require four or more capsules per day..


Check the ingredients in each capsule. Many manufacturers use sunflower or groundnut oil, or even saturated fats or other fillers that might well be unhealthy, in addition to (small) amounts of EPA and DHA.

Impact on the environment

Choose fish or algae oil derived from non-endangered species and a product that has been purified in an environmentally friendly way. It is advisable to opt for smaller fish species (mackerel, anchovies). Tuna is an endangered species, which also contains considerable amounts of mercury and PCBs. The optimum guarantee is an EMAS certificate (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, approved by the European Parliament).

The five Minami Nutrition guarantees

1. Our products contain up to 90 - 95% pure Omega-3 per capsule so that you
only need one capsule per day.

2. PCBs, dioxins and heavy metals are below the detection limit. In other words, our products have the highest possible degree of purity.

3. This level of purity and eco friendly production approach were awarded the EMAS certificate, the highest European standard.

4. The fish oil purification process does not use chemical solvents and we do not use saturated fats as ‘fillers’ in our capsules. We employ only a exclusive supercritical EFP extraction at very low temperatures.

5. The effectiveness of our products has been scientifically proven by leading researchers throughout the world. We cooperate globally with various universities that have selected Minami Nutrition products as the purest, optimum dose products in their research into the impact of Omega-3 on various health indicators.

Our challenge

If you can findarrow-10x10 an Omega-3 supplement that meets the 5 Minami guarantees please let us know via omega@minami-nutrition.com and you will receive a FREEarrow-10x10 MorEPA omega-3 supplement.

What does Science Say about Omega-3 Fatty Acids

- EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure with a daily intake of 3 g EPA+DHA
- EPA and DHA contribute the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride concentrations with a daily intake of 2 g EPA+DHA
- EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart with a daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA+DHA
- DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and vision with a daily intake of 250 mg

- DHA maternal intake supports eye and brain development in the foetus and breastfed infant if consumed at 200 mg DHA per day on top of the recommended daily 250 mg EPA+DHA for adults.

- DHA contributes to the normal visual development of infants up to 12 months of age in a daily intake of 100 mg DHA

Minami Nutrition is committed to the advancement of scientific research for Omega-3 nutrition and has participated in 11 human clinical studies.
Scientific studies confirmed the optimal absorption of Minami Nutrition’s high Omega-3 supplements

Why Supercritical CO2 instead of Molecular Distillation ?

Minami nutrition oils are processed with 400% less heat than other brands.

Molecular Distillation

Minami Nutrition Supercritical CO2 technology (EFP process)

Strong facts

Supercritical CO2 technology is the ideal protection against oxidation

The EFP process always works with CO2. CO2 is heavier than air thus always remains as a layer/blanket on the omega-3 ethyl esters. It is the ideal protection against oxidation! With this characteristic the production method differs strongly from the nitrogen using production methods. Nitrogen is lighter than air, forms no blanket and can only workarrow-10x10 as an efficient protection against oxidation in a closed container with overpressure. As soon as this container is opened nitrogen will escape (because it is lighter than air) and air will enter – starting the oxidation process.

Highly concentrated 1100 mg Omega-3, 1000 mg EPA/DHA,
 + 300 IU vitamin D per softgel

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements


- EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure with a daily intake of 3 g EPA+DHA (3x1 softgel/day).
- EPA and DHA contribute the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride concentrations with a daily intake of 2 g EPA+DHA (2x1 softgel/day).
- DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and vision with a daily intake of 250 mg (2x1 softgel/day).
- EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart with a daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA+DHA (1 softgel/day).
- Vitamine D helps maintain normal bones and the normal function of immune system and muscles.

Quickly raise your Omega-3 Index to a healthy level with one MorEPA Platinum softgel per day. One MorEPA PLATINUM softgel contains a high dose of no less than 1100 mg omega-3 including 764 mg EPA and 236 mg DHA, and is supplemented with extra vitamin D3. One capsule per day for people with a high omega-3 requirement.

Directions as a food supplement for adults: 1 to 3 softgels per day, preferably taken with food. Do not exceed a daily intake of 5 g of EPA and DHA combined.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per Softgel) MorEPA Platinum

Total weight

1718 mg

Weight content

1218 mg


13 kcal - 53 kJ


1,2 g

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

max. 24 mg

- Polyunsaturated fat

min 1116 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

1100 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

764 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

236 mg

Other Omega-3

100 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement
Vitamin D3

7,5 mcg (300 IU, 150% RDA) 

gluten-free / lactose-free

Highly concentrated Omega-3, 90% EPA - 500 mg EPA / 0 mg DHA per softgel

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements


It is scientifically proven that the omega-3 fatty acid EPA from PLUSEPA is well absorbed into the body.

Directions as a food supplement for adults: 2 softgels per day, preferably taken with food.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per 2 Softgels)

Total capsule weight

1586 mg

Fill Weight

1174 mg


12 kcal - 50 kJ


1,2 g

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

0 g

- Polyunsaturated fat

min. 1088 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

1066 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

1000 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

max. 5 mg

Ohter Omega-3 fatty acids

61 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement

gluten-free / lactose-free

Highly concentrated 85% Omega-3, 590 mg EPA / 130 mg DHA per softgel

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements



- EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart with a daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA+DHA.
- DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and vision with a daily intake of 250 mg.

Directions as a food supplement for adults: 1 softgel per day, preferably taken with food.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per Softgel)

Total weight

1436 mg

Weight content

1021 mg


11 kcal - 44 kJ


1,0 g

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

max. 50 mg

- Polyunsaturated fat

min. 880 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

850 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

590 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

130 mg

Other Omega-3 fatty acids

130 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement

gluten-free / lactose-free

Highly concentrated 85% Omega-3 – strawberry flavour

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements


Two small MorEPA® Mini-Junior capsules contain (combined) 490 mg EPA and a small amount of DHA.

There is no other Omega-3 fish oil on the market that comes close to this purity, level of omega-3 concentration and great taste.

Directions as a food supplement for children: 2x1 softgel per day, preferably taken with food.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per 2 Softgels)

Total weight 2 capsules

1412 mg

Fill Weight

912 mg


10 kcal - 42 kJ


0,9 g

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

max 42 mg

- Polyunsaturated fat

min 730 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

704 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

490 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

108 mg

Other Omega-3 fatty acids 

106 mg 

Evening primrose oil

20 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement

gluten-free / lactose-free

Highly concentrated 80 % Omega-3, 249 mg DHA per softgel – strawberry flavour

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements


Children’s diets today are notoriously low in the beneficial Omega-3 fats found in foods such as fish. This makes supplementation an especially important option for parents.

Compare this amount of DHA per softgel with other brands and you will realize why consumers agree that this is highest concentrated DHA rich product on the market.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per Softgel)

Total capsule weight

640 mg

Fill Weight

424 mg


4 kcal - 18 kJ


0,41 mg

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

max. 21 mg

- Polyunsaturated fat

min. 365 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

332 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

54 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

249 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement

gluten-free / lactose-free

Highly concentrated 80 % Omega-3, 249 mg DHA per softgel – strawberry flavour

Worldwide N°1 Eco-Friendly Omega-3 supplements


Children’s diets today are notoriously low in the beneficial Omega-3 fats found in foods such as fish. This makes supplementation an especially important option for parents.

Compare this amount of DHA per softgel with other brands and you will realize why consumers agree that this is highest concentrated DHA rich product on the market.

Supplement Facts (Nutritional Value per Softgel)

Total capsule weight

640 mg

Fill Weight

424 mg


4 kcal - 18 kJ


0,41 mg

- Saturated fat

0 g

- Monounsaturated fat

max. 21 mg

- Polyunsaturated fat

min. 365 mg

Omega-3 fatty acids

332 mg

- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

54 mg

- DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

249 mg


MIRADOXAN, a balanced mix of rosemary and tocopherol extracts, maintains the freshness of each Minami supplement

gluten-free / lactose-free

Minami Nutrition was one of the first companies to publish detailed analysis data of every batch of their products.

Product : MorEPA+Plus - Batch : FE10093

Heavy Metals

Arsenicum As
 Cadmium Cd

Test result : < 0.02 mg/kg check

Test result : < 0.02 mg/kg check

EU Limit : 1.0 mg/kg

EU Limit : 1.0 mg/kg

Mercury Hg
Mercury Hg

Test result : < 0.02 mg/kg check

Test result : < 0.02 mg/kg check

EU Limit : 0.1 mg/kg

EU Limit : 3.0 mg/kg

Sum DTTs
Sum PCBs

Test result : < 2 µg/kg check

Test result :< 2 µg/kg check

EU Limit : 1000 µg/kg

EU Limit : 75 µg/kg

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