“..Η Shirodhara είναι θεραπεία πλήρους ανανέωσης σώματος καί πνεύματος .Δίνει πλήρη ανανέωση και λάμψη στο σώμα καί στο πρόσωπο. Βασισμένη στα σημεία marmas , στην αρωματοθεραπεία καί χρωματοθεραπεία ,η από αρχαιότατων χρόνων
Ινδική αυτή θεραπεία Ayurveda , είναι η χρυσή οδός για μακροζωία και διατήρηση της υγείας μας .
Η Shirodhara “καθαρίζει” πνευματικά και σωματικά τον οργανισμό μας από τις “ρίζες” των διαφόρων ασθενειών , ενεργεί σαν ανανεωτική θεραπεία , ανοίγοντας το “τρίτο μάτι” (third eye) στον εσωτερικό μας κόσμο ,βοηθώντας να ξεπεράσομε το άγχος , την νευρικότητα , τον θυμό , και να φέρομαι το επιθυμητό ισοζύγιο στον πνευματικό και ψυχικό μας κόσμο . Δίνει ψυχική ηρεμία ,ανανεώνει τις αισθήσεις
μας, διώχνει την αρνητική ενέργεια , βοηθά εναντίον χρόνιων πονοκεφάλων , αρθριτικών παθήσεων , υπέρτασης.........
Μερικά ωφελήματα από την θεραπεία Shirodhara :
* Αποβάλλει ασθένειες πού έχουν σχέση με την κεφαλή , καθώς και ανωμαλίες
που επηρεάζουν τον λαιμό , τα μάτια , την μύτη και το νευρικό σύστημα.
* Βοηθά να ξεπεράσομε το άγχος (stress)
* Ανακουφίζει και βοηθά εναντίον της αϋπνίας, κούρασης, υπερέντασης,του θυμού ,
εναντίον χρονίων πονοκεφάλων ρευματισμών, υπέρτασης.
* Δίνει μεγάλη διανοητική ανακούφιση (mental relaxation)
* Eνδυναμώνει το σώμα και τον νου , και υποκινεί θαμμένες και ξεχασμένες αναμνήσεις.
* Διασκορπίζει τον αρνητικό στατικό ηλεκτρισμό που συσσωρεύεται στο κρανίο
και στο τριχωτό μέρος της κεφαλής από το άγχος (stress).
* Aνανεώνει την γλυκύτητα και την ομορφιά της ζωής .
* Ανανεώνει και κάνει νεότερο όλο το πρόσωπο εξαφανίζοντας τις γραμμές
ανησυχίας καί τού stress.
* Ανοίγει το “τρίτο μάτι” (third eye) μας αυξάνοντας την διαίσθηση μας και την
αυτοσυγκέντρωση μας.
* Αναβαθμίζει και μεγαλώνει την αποτελεσματικότητα όλων των αισθήσεων.
* Ρυθμίζει την διάθεση μας και διώχνει ανωμαλίες που μας προκαλούν κατάθλιψη.
* Βοηθά και καταπολεμά την πολλαπλή σκλήρωση καθώς και άλλες περιπτώσεις
αρθριτικών παθήσεων.
* Σταματά τις εξάρσεις πανικού που προέρχονται από την φοβία.
an extraordinary sensory experience
Shirodhara has traditionally been shown to help fatigue, mental exhaustion, anxiety: all conditions commonly affecting the modern generation. In Sanskrit, shiro means the head and dhara is the flow of warm liquid, so shirodhara = the flow of warm liquid on the head. It’s a simple, relaxing technique based on the pressure points of the head and the use of fragrant herb/flower oils for rejuvenation of mind, body and spirit.
According to Ayurvedic wisdom, the world is divided into doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. There’s no exact English translation but doshas can be regarded as vital energies that underlie everything we are and do. Keeping doshas in balance is the key element of Ayurvedic practice, which Shirodhara addresses, thereby alleviating symptoms like headache, poor digestion, skin problems and asthma.
The therapy is tailored to your individual dosha make-up, which is ascertained through a questionnaire you complete at the start. This determines the oils and the carrier liquid to be used: in my (pitta) case, a brilliant blue oil combination mixed with charged water as the delivery agent. At Rosveda, the session begins with a cleansing facial massage which, although not part of the traditional therapy, prepares you for the next event: the dhara. I relished the pampering, from the scrub application to the deeply luxurious moisturising and nutritional massage to face and neck, leaving me smelling deliciously of orange and honey.
What benefits does it claim?
Traditionally Shirodhara stimulates the sixth and seventh chakras – a word roughly translated as reservoirs of energy. Six is the Third Eye or Wisdom Centre, linked to the brain, particularly to the pituitary gland and nervous system. An imbalance may manifest in headaches, ENT problems, hormonal disturbance, insomnia and depression. The seventh or Crown chakra is linked with the brain’s emotional centres and also the pineal gland which produces melatonin, essential for healthy sleep and for those suffering with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Rebalancing these two energy reservoirs helps overcome stress and all its far-reaching side effects including anger, anxiety, hormonal and mood disorders. It may heighten the senses, activate memory and invigorate the body and mind.
Is there any science behind it?
Shirodhara does not rely on western scientific traditions as a basis or proof of its efficacy. It is almost impossible to give ‘scientific’ explanations for an oriental teaching as ancient as this; Ayurveda is the most widely-used healthcare system in India and is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a principal healing discipline.
What’s it like?
Restful, relaxing and most unusual. Prone and comfortable, I enjoyed the sensation of the oils dripping on my forehead, together with the rhythmic splashing of the liquid as it flowed into the collection vessel afterwards. The aroma of the oils – blue chamomile, vetiver and camphor - was powerful and I felt quite ‘other-worldly’, as if I had in fact journeyed subconsciously. After half an hour of dhara, I had to work hard to bring myself back to the present and experienced a feeling of deep relaxation and wellbeing, which lasted for over 48 hours. My skin looked immediately radiant, smoother and with fewer wrinkles. I think this would be a marvellous therapy for those suffering from stress and associated symptoms like skin and digestion problems.
The Procedure
Τhe equipment you will need is:
(1) Massage table
(2) Blanket and pillow
(3) Shirodhara pot, stand
(4) Dhara oils (pitta, vata , kapha)
(5) Rose & cucumber toner.
(6) Aloe Vera oil for massage.
(7) Large bowl.
1. Client answers the questionnaire in order to find what his / her dosha is.
2. According to the results we proceed to make the shirodhara treatment.
3. We heat the 3.5 lt liquid in the appropriate temperature ( see previous notes) (either charged water, milk or oil ) – and when is ready we add 15ml of the appropriate Dhara oil. (either the green or blue or yellow ). Mix it together.
4. Meanwhile the client lies down to the massage table. Have the client scoot back on the table so that his head is slightly over the edge of the table. A rolled towel under the neck will give a more comfortable tilt to the head.
5. Arrange the bowl on the floor to catch the oil.
6. Position the stand with the pot on the table , that it will allow the oil to drip on the ‘ third eye ‘. Check to make sure that the oil is not too warm for the client. Apply a gauge with rose & cucumber toner to cover the clients eyes.
7. Put on a relaxing music.
8. Release the valve on the funnel so that a continuous fine stream of the liquid flows on the ‘ third eye’.
9. Allow the therapy to finish in 40 minutes.
10. When the oils is empty from the pot, wash the hair of the client with warm water and tell them to move slowly when they are ready.
11. Offer a green tea or water to the client and let him/her stay at your center for at least 20 minutes or whenever feels comfortable to leave.
Note: You should advice your client to drink lots of water or juice and have a light diet two
days before the treatment.